When to Replace Gas Heater

When to Replace Gas Heater

Do you feel that your gas heater takes time to heat a room yet cools down fast? These are just some signs that tell you its time to have your gas heaters checked for maintenance or replacement. Since many people prefer gas heaters over electric heaters because of the typically higher efficiency and lower operating costs, it is important to know how to detect when it’s time to check or replace you gas heaters and gas hot water systems.

Takes long to heat

If your room takes too long to heat, or your shower takes too long to heat even though you already have the heating setting switched to its maximum degree, it is time to have your gas heater or gas hot water system serviced. For hot water systems, waiting for the shower to heat up is not only costly but is also not environmentally friendly as you are wasting water.

Unusual smell 

If you detect an acrid or sulfuric smell or you smell something unusual around the house but more prominent near your vents, your gas heater might have a leak or a fault. Faulty gas heaters and other gas appliances can emit dangerous gases and cause harm such as carbon monoxide poisoning that has headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness, and confusion as to its immediate symptoms. If you feel these things, immediately move away from the danger zone and settle yourself and if possible turn off the gas appliance and call a licensed gas fitter to come out and take a look at the problem.

Old systems 

If you haven’t replaced or serviced your gas heaters or gas hot water systems since you moved into your property, it would be a good time to have your heaters checked. You should have your checked and maintained every couple of years.

All gas connections must be certified; not to mention the a gas leak around your domestic or commercial premises can be dangerous. So rather than taking a risk, why not have your gas heaters, gas hot water system and other gas appliance serviced by a trained, licensed and insured professional. For this reason, we suggest you use a licensed and professional gas fitter from The Plumbing and Gas Guys. Have your gas heaters checked since this requires occasional maintenance to be in excellent and safe working condition.

Aside from gas hot water systems, you can opt for newer gas hot water systems models or from electric or solar-powered hot water systems. Solar-power hot water systems as well as heat pumps, also have gas boosters if you prefer quick hot water systems.

At The Plumbing and Gas Guys, we do plumbing and gas fitting inspections, maintenance and replacement for all types of gas appliances and hot water systems. We also provide quick information and feature an energy-efficiency star rating system for our hot water system inventory to help accelerate your purchase.